INSANE IN THE RAIN is an environmentally conscious brand producing ecological rainwear. Our happy jackets are made from recycled plastic. In doing our thing, we keep a bit of plastic away from the dolphins.
The recycled plastic fabric we use is called RPET. RPET stands for recycled polyethylene terephthalate, or recycled PET. PET is a strong, durable and recyclable material that is used for single-use plastic soda & water bottles.
We take old bottles and single-use plastic and turn it into fabric in order to reduce the amount of waste going into landfills and our oceans.
Our happy jackets are inspired & created all over the world & produced by an awesome team of caring & responsible manufacturing partners. We avoid using additional or newly-sourced plastic in any of our industrial procedures, such as production, manufacturing, shipping or distribution chains.
When you purchase an INSANE IN THE RAIN jacket you help reduce the unnecessary production of virgin plastic rain jacket fabric and simultaneously, upcycle from 17 to 23 plastic bottles that would otherwise roam our oceans. Also, your INSANE print helps by spreading awareness and getting the message out in the world to refuse single-use plastic.
At INSANE IN THE RAIN, we believe that we create our own reality & that together, we can make our reality a plastic free planet.
Plastic is over. Spread the word.